If you don’t want to click on the link, you can enter the email address into your browser instead.
Any information you provide will only be used to help you in the process. It will not be shared with any debt collectors or anyone affiliated with them.
TakeBackYourCash.com is your best resource of information, but you can also find out more on Facebook at www.facebook.com/takebackyourcash.
If you have any questions, you can call the Claims Administrator toll-free at 1-866-840-2631 or email [email protected].
This can be a stressful time of year if you don't enjoy preparing your income taxes. It can also be a difficult and expensive process. Luckily the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) has create a new program to help. You may qualify to have your taxes completed by the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program.
If you need help to prepare your income tax and benefit return, community organization volunteers may be able to prepare your return for you!
The CVITP helps eligible taxpayers who have a modest income and a simple tax situation. This may include:
Volunteers do not prepare returns for individuals who:
To find a free tax clinic in your area or to get more information about the CVITP, go to Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) or call 1-800-959-8281.
The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) is a collaboration between community organizations and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Community organizations host tax preparation clinics and arrange for volunteers to prepare income tax and benefit returns for eligible individuals who have a modest income and a simple tax situation. The CRA provides coordinators and offers training and tax software.
Currently on your hydro bill you will see the Ontario Clean Energy Benefit (10%) reduction. For all households in Ontario this will stop December 31 2015.
The OESP is an Ontario Energy Board (OEB) program that lowers electricity bills for low-income households. The OESP will provide a monthly credit to eligible customers based on household income and household size. The OESP credits will be applied directly to eligible customers’ bills.
Customers can apply online at OntarioElectricitySupport.ca. You will need to complete the online application, print and sign the consent form, and mail it to the address provided on our website.
A paper version of the application can be downloaded from the OESP application website, picked up from an intake agency or mailed to applicants by the OESP Contact Centre upon request.
You can attend our office during our walk in Clinic every Friday from 9am to 4pm for help filling out your application.
]]>In the second installment of Gone, the set up, it examines OSAP, student loan debts and default rates. In it, our executive director Wendy Dupuis illustrates how many people are struggling with student debt.
" Wendy Dupuis, executive director of the non-profit Financial Fitness Centre credit counselling service in Windsor, said about 20 per cent of people she sees have some form of student loan default. 'Too many people go into this without having a good understanding of what a large amount of debt means,' she said."
Check out the entire Windsor article at: The Windsor Star
]]>“Homelessness describes the situation of an individual or family without stable, permanent,
appropriate housing, or the immediate prospect, means and ability of acquiring it. It is the result of
systemic or societal barriers, a lack of affordable and appropriate housing, the individual/household’s
financial, mental, cognitive, behavioural or physical challenges, and/or racism and discrimination.
Most people do not choose to be homeless, and the experience is generally negative, unpleasant,
stressful and distressing.” (CHRN, 2012: 1)
Read more HERE
Latest Update: October 1 2014
The move is finally complete! We are happy to announce we are now in our new location at 1770 Langlois and are welcoming clients to the building.
Our phones and email servers were down for a week and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our clients and partners. Be assured we will be reaching out to you over the next few days to make sure we address all of your questions and concerns.
If you come to our office in the next few weeks there may be some small additional construction going on. Please wear appropriate footwear and expect there may be some tweaks that need to be worked out. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
We look forward to seeing all of our clients an partners over the next few months!
September 25 3014
The move month is finally here! Our Windsor office will be closed September 26th, 29th and 30th, we plan on being ready for business on October 1st.
Please remember our new address:
1770 Langlois Ave.
Windsor ON
Our phone numbers will stay the same 519-258-2030 or 1-877-777-9218. Our extensions will be changing after October 1st.
Mike ext. 3223
Carol ext. 3229
Nicole ext. 3224
Indy ext. 3228
Wendy ext. 3226
Emails will be check periodically through the move dates, but we recommend if you have any questions or concerns for your counsellor or client care administrator please contact them this week or next so we can help you as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience through this transition and we look forward to seeing you in our new location!
The Financial Fitness Staff
August 11 2014
We will be co-locating with a number of services that will be housed within the building at 1770 Langlois. Construction is underway, and we hope to be in our new digs by October of this year. By sharing facilities with counselling, legal and medical services, we can provide our clients with seamless referrals to other services when necessary. We will also be partnering with these agencies to bring integrated programs to our community. This is an unprecedented collaboration of non-profit agencies and we are excited to be a part of it.
New Address:
Financial Fitness WindsorBefore Building Restoration
Google Map Location
Children are eligible for the program if:
Dental care covered under the program includes regular visits to a licensed dental provider such as a dentist or dental hygienist. Services include dental cleanings, fillings, X-rays, and scaling. Cosmetic dentistry such as teeth whitening and braces are not covered, nor is emergency oral health care. Urgent or emergency oral health issues for kids 17 years old and under may be covered through the Children in Need of Treatment (CINOT) program.
You can call the Health Unit at 519-258-2146 ext. 1103 or 1104 for answers to questions about eligibility and the application process.