In late December the Windsor Star produced a riveting series called "Gone". It highlights the unique Fight or Flight employment situation that many Windsorites particularly those ages 20-35 face in Windsor and Essex county. Should we stay and fight for the few jobs that remain in the area, or should we take flight and move across country.
In the second installment of Gone, the set up, it examines OSAP, student loan debts and default rates. In it, our executive director Wendy Dupuis illustrates how many people are struggling with student debt.
" Wendy Dupuis, executive director of the non-profit Financial Fitness Centre credit counselling service in Windsor, said about 20 per cent of people she sees have some form of student loan default. 'Too many people go into this without having a good understanding of what a large amount of debt means,' she said."
Check out the entire Windsor article at: The Windsor Star